Margaret Avenue Senior PS a big presence at CIBC Run for the Cure

The staff of Margaret Avenue Senior Public School along with Mrs. McTavish’s closest family and friends participated in the annual CIBC Run for the Cure on October 5, 2014. To date, $15,400 has been raised by Jen’s Jedi in support of Cancer Research in Canada. You can read more here –> A Big Presence for Mrs. […]

Hot Lunch Options on Monday!

We are pleased to share that we are now offering a hot lunch option to our students for Mondays! In consultation with our School Council we have decided to try a variety of Pasta Selections from Boston Pizza and Subs from Subway. All ordered items will arrive at the school for students just prior to […]

Video Newsletter #1!

We here at Margaret Avenue believe it is important to better engage our parent community and utilize many of the 21st Century tools available to us each day. We hope this regular glimpse into a day in the life of our students, and hearing from all our staff, will be an enjoyable and alternative method of […]

High School Info Nights for Gr. 8 Parents

The dates for the upcoming grade 8 parent information nights for all WRDSB high schools has been added to our calendar.  Look for the paper copy in grade 8 report card envelopes.

WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee is Taking Applications

The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) of the Waterloo Region District School Board invites parents/guardians of students currently enrolled in a WRDSB school to apply for positions on the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee. The mandate for the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee is to: • Provide information and advice on parent engagement to the Waterloo Region District School […]

Mrs. McTavish

Many of you are aware that Ms. McTavish is on a leave this year. You may also be aware that three years ago Mrs. McTavish was diagnosed with breast cancer. At that time she underwent surgery and chemotherapy treatments to treat the disease, and she was able to return to teaching the following fall. For […]

September School Council MInutes

Thanks to the great group of parents who came out for our first council meeting.  We greatly appreciate the questions, feedback and robust conversation. Attached please find the minutes. MargAveSchoolCouncilMinutesSeptember2014 All parents are always welcome.  Our next meeting will be Monday, November 24 at 6:30 p.m.  Why not enter the date in your calendar now […]

Caring, Interested and Supportive Parents Wanted!!!

School Councils Research has proven that the involvement of parents and guardians in their children’s education has a positive impact on improved student learning and helps to create a sense of community at the school. The support of the community has also proven to be an enhancement to that positive learning environment. By working together […]

Trauma Informed Parenting Workshop

Please see the attached flyer for details – for your convenience the same workshop is offered on 3 different dates! Trauma Informed Parenting Workshop Flyer Sept 2014

Margaret Ave’s Revised Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy

2014 Bring Your Own Device Guidelines Technology presents so many wonderful learning opportunities but also brings some challenges.  Our goal – to leverage the positive attributes to accelerate learning while purposefully creating positive digital footprints. Mrs. Giannopoulos has reviewed the guidelines with all of our students this week. Parents, we appreciate you taking time to […]

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