In addition to a great dance and other fun activities planned by our MTeam for Valentine’s Day, February the 13th was also important as we welcomed our new superintendent, Laura Hodgins, to our school for her second visit.

To support her goal of getting to know our school, she visited several classrooms (we made sure to take her all the way up to the fourth floor so she could appreciate all of the stairs).  In the pictures below she is talking to Mr. Lidbetter about how he and his students are using Chromebooks and have gone paperless,


conferring with his students about how to evaluate Internet sources


and discussing these students’ ideas for measuring “work” in Ms Kritikos’ science class.


With her experience and system perspective, Superintendent Hodgins supports us in our efforts to meet the needs of our students and to build administration and staff capacity as we continuously work on our School Improvement Plan.

Even on Friday the 13th /Valentine’s Day our learning continues at Margaret Avenue!