Friday, June 29, 2018

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we end another tremendous school year at Margaret Avenue, we would like to take this opportunity to extend a few farewells, warm welcomes and some additional information as we look ahead to September 2018.  We would first like to extend a fond farewell to our grade 8 students who are graduating. You have left your mark on Margaret Avenue and you will be missed as you head off to High School in September! We would also like to extend a warm welcome to all our grade six students who will be attending our school in September.

Next, we also say farewell and express our sincere gratitude to some of the amazing staff members who will be leaving this year and who have served the Margaret Community so diligently.  Thank you and farewell to:

  • our exemplary occasional teachers:   Mr. Schmidt, Mrs. Crawley, Mrs. Bayley, Mr. Gesinghaus, and Mrs. Starr, who have consistently demonstrated their dedication to student wellbeing and success throughout the school year;  
  • our child and youth worker, Mrs. Molnar, who has supported our staff and students and families at Margaret Avenue over the past 11 years; we wish her the best at Smithson and Janet Metcalf schools next year;
  • our head custodian, Mr. Connell, whose dedication to keeping our school safe and clean has not gone unnoticed in the past 10 years; best of luck at your new school Ayr P.S.;
  • our part time secretary, Ms. Gaudet, for her support in the office this year, and
  • our Vice Principal, and my administrative partner, Mrs. Shonk, who has served our school and community during the past year and is now transferring to  Avenue Road Public School.

All of these wonderful staff members will be missed by the students and staff here at Margaret Avenue and we wish them success in their new school communities and future endeavours.

With these staff farewells, we would like to extend a warm welcome to our new Vice-Principal Mr. Lavell, our new custodian, Ms. Fuentes, our new child and youth worker, Mrs. Steffler, our ACE (Alternative Continuum of Education) classroom teacher, Ms. Willett, and our new part time secretary, Ms. Radke.  These new staff members come to our school with a wealth of experience and we look forward to getting to know them in the months and years to come. We also welcome back Mrs. Hernden, along with occasional teachers who will hired at the end of August, replacing staff away on maternity leave next year – Ms. Yoshy, Ms. Ronald and Ms. Valeriote.  

To our Margaret Avenue Families, I would like to thank you for your ongoing partnership. This is evident in many forms:  helping your children at home, supporting our staff and the academic and extracurricular programs offered by the school and staying informed informed and engaged via School-day, our website and social media communications. We have also appreciated seeing so many of you at Athletic Events, Band Performances, Arts Nights, and supporting our School Council and other initiatives this past year!

To our Margaret Avenue Staff, I would like to publicly “Thank you” for a truly wonderful year. You are a talented, hardworking, dedicated group of professionals who care about our intermediate learners and provide the very best learning opportunities for them each day.

I would like to take a moment to wish you and your family a very safe and happy summer and I look forward to seeing our Mavericks on September 4th, the first day of school, and  our families on Thursday, September 13, from 6-7 p.m. at our Open House/ Meet the Teacher evening.



Mrs. S. Hoxha, Principal