New Link to the Video is found below….!

After much positive feedback from our first video newsletter, which was posted 2 weeks ago, we are thrilled to present to you our 2nd video newsletter!  This newsletter features a team of twelve dedicated students from our school who have brainstormed, interviewed, video-taped and edited the newsletter from start to finish! Included in this newsletter you will hear about many upcoming dates to remember, as well as featured interviews with our Music Teacher, Mr. Paul Fehderau, one of our grade 8 Core Classroom Teacher’s, Mr. Steve Lidbetter, and our Art Teacher, Ms. Andrea Wyman.

We here at Margaret Avenue believe it is important to better engage our parent community and utilize many of the 21st Century tools available to us each day. We hope this regular glimpse into a day in the life of our students, and hearing from all our staff, will be an enjoyable and alternative method of communicating with you. Our goal is to create regular video segments which will share with you the variety of learning and extra-curricular experiences our students participate in each day. As always, please continue to refer to our “Calendar of Events” tab located above this post on our website for all our regularly updated important dates of upcoming activities and events.

Our team of enthusiastic grade 7 & 8 students continue to have many amazing ideas for future posts! If your child is interested in being a part of the team, please encourage them see Mrs. Giannopoulos.

And finally, if YOU have any suggestions or questions that you’d like us to investigate in future segments, please tweet them to us @mrgwrdsb

We hope you enjoy this additional method of communicating with you!

Margaret Avenue Newsletter #2!