Happy New Year!  It is hard to believe that we are already nearing the end of Term One here at Margaret Avenue Senior School! We look forward to seeing our students once again demonstrating their extraordinary talents, abilities and achievements in the months ahead! Our students and staff continue to impress and humble me with even their smallest actions each day. We truly have a caring and compassionate school culture, with our staff leading as models of our high expectations for our students. In conjunction with to this culture of caring, we have a tremendous focus on high academic achievement and optimizing student success, as demonstrated in our classrooms each day.

When we look back on the achievements of our students since the fall, we proudly acknowledge the growth of all our students academically and socially.  With the continued positive encouragement and cooperation of a very supportive community, our students have made significant gains both individually and collectively.

Our students continue to benefit from a wide variety of academic and extracurricular programs and opportunities offered by our skilled, knowledgeable and caring staff.  Activities such as our Running Club, Girls Soccer, Boys Football, Volleyball, Band, Dance Troop; Participation in Athletic Council, M-Team, Me to We, Sharp Shooter or WAYVE; Being a Student Office Helper or Tuck Shop Helper, are only some of the ways we provide students the opportunity to demonstrate how productive and contributing citizens can create a truly inclusive school environment.

Looking ahead, the rest of the school year will naturally be filled with more learning and many rewarding experiences. January will bring us together on many occasions; our School Council Meeting is on Monday, January 20th from 6:00-8:00 p.m., everyone is welcome to attend!

The staff of Margaret Avenue Senior Public School sincerely thanks those parents who have taken the time to write us a note or passed along comments of appreciation and support during the past year.  We look forward to seeing our students and staff return happy and healthy from a great break away!

On behalf of the staff, I would like to extend best wishes to our students and their families for a happy and healthy 2014!

Mrs. Evelyn Giannopoulos,


Categories: From the Principal...